Friday, August 26, 2011

The End and The Beginning

A few weeks ago, a fellow Trojan alum contacted me on Twitter saying he had found my blog and that he found it both "sad and interesting." Which made me kinda worried. Does that mean he thinks that I'm a sad/pathetic loser!? I didn't realize that my blog was so depressing - because it was never meant to be. Before direct messaging him back, I was hoping that the topic of unemployment is inherently a downer, and that it wasn't my writing or my bitching and moaning about my life that was painting a sad picture of myself! Anyway, we twittered back and forth a bit and it turns out that he was in a similar sort of situation as me, and I concluded that he didn't think I was a loser! Phew!

After that interaction, I logged into my blog and saw that my last post was from June 10, 2010! That was a year and 2 months ago! So much has happened since then that I feel obliged to post an update to let my 3 readers know what I've been up to the last 14 months!

First, regarding the job situation. I actually found a contract position in brand management at a video game company in San Francisco from August - November 2011. The product I worked on was amazing and it's in stores now and I couldn't have had a better experience. Even with the 3 hour daily commute, I had a blast working there and feel like I learned a lot and made new friends and enriched my life. I've never said that before about a job. I'm shocked I'm even saying it now, but it's the truth! The best part of the gig? There was a gourmet fried chicken stand a block away...I had a frequent eater stamp card and earned two free meals. Amazeballs!

My contract ended at the end of November last year and the timing could not have been more perfect, because I had a baby at the beginning of January! This probably explains why I frequented the fried chicken place so often! So I was hugely pregnant and commuting to the city on the train and even did a face plant on the train at 7 months pregnant and I still have nothing bad to say about the whole experience. I'm shocking myself right now because I can always find something to complain about, but there is nothing. Seriously!

Before I had my baby, I had NO idea how I was going to feel about him and my life in general. I remember a coworker asking me what my plans were after the baby came, and I actually said, "Well, I'll probably take a month off and then I'll be back on the job market and returning to work ASAP." My coworker who is French gave me the dirtiest look, literally looked down at me and said, "In France that would be looked down upon." Well, Pierre, it has been over 7 months and I'm still staying at home and taking care of my baby. And I LOVE him! And it pains me to be away from him for more than 3 hours! Once again, I'm shocking myself by sharing this information, but I just can't help it.

Even though I love my baby, staying at home is probably the hardest job I've ever had. If you're interested, I'm starting a new blog and you can follow me there at I haven't started it yet, but I'm hoping to share some stories, thoughts, insecurities, accomplishments, joys and perils about my new journey in mommyhood.

Thanks for reading!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Discouraging Job Ads

Hm...saw an interesting article on the Huffington Post the other discouraging is this? Apparently, a lot of new job postings come with the caveat of "The Unemployed Will Not Be Considered." How is this productive and how is this helping our economy??

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Caking Out

Martha Stewart's Baking Handbook

In my last post I mentioned that I'd been taking some cake decorating classes at Michael's. Well, one of the reasons that I enrolled in these classes was because I had recently purchased Martha Stewart's Baking Handbook, and tried a bunch of her recipes and they were all amazing and I somehow got the notion that I was going to become the Asian Martha Stewart! However, even though the handbook has all these delicious recipes, it didn't really have any good decorating tips, so all my cupcakes, banana bread, cakes, etc were tasty but plain looking. Anyway, last week I finished my 8 week class. I spent $44 for classes, $200 on equipment, bought 16 bars of Crisco and 16 pounds of powdered sugar for frosting, and baked a few cakes...and end result...2 real cakes and a bunch of shit I don't really need. Check it out:

My tool box

Frosting for flowers

"Colorflow" pieces

"Royal Icing" Flowers

Basketweave Easter type cake


English rose cake aka "Old Lady Cake" 

Anyway, now that i've done this, I cannot even smell frosting/icing without wanting to needless to say it'll be a while before I make a cake again!  

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Where Has the Time Gone?

Me and a sea turtle in Kona, Hawaii.

Wow, I can't believe it's been 40 days since my last post! I think this may have been the longest break that I've taken since I started blogging consistently. What can I say? I guess I'm trying to live by one of Einstein's famous quotes - "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." I guess I needed some time off from stressing out over the whole job search thing...I mean, hey, even a slacker needs a vacation sometime! :)

So, what have I been doing the last month or so? Well, the husband and I went on a week long vacation to Hawaii, I went to Palm Springs for a girl's getaway with some of my best friends and stumbled upon Dinah Shore Weekend, I began an 8-week cake decorating course at Michael's to indulge my creative side and sweet tooth, and I joined Club One - a trendy gym - because I've been eating too much cake...and I can't help it...I'm from L.A.

Oh and a few people have been asking me how my job search has been going recently. To answer that question, in the last 40 days on the job search front, I've had two phone interviews and one in person interview - all of which shockingly did not leave me feeling like an inept imbecile. I haven't heard back from these interviews though, so maybe they didn't share the same the feelings as me...who knows!?

What I do know is that I need to do something a little different. Like Einstein said, it's insanity to continue to do the same thing over and over again, so I'm now open to different career options. Any suggestions?